New Healthcare Software
Product Development

Develop quality healthcare software fast with product-mindset engineers

Building Healthcare Software is More Difficult than Other Industries​​

Launching and bringing winning healthcare software products to market requires much more than just skilled coding and superior technologies. You must: 

KMS Healthcare healthtech engineering teams help you launch superior healthcare software to market at a predictable cost.

Accelerate Your Delivery With Expert Healthcare Developers

Imagine expanding your team with elite software developers who understand clinical workflows, interoperability, FHIR, and how to protect patient healthcare data. We can help you:

Expedite the time it takes to get your healthcare software to market
Innovate healthcare software solutions ahead of competitors
Enhance healthcare software efficiency, performance, and security

Broad Development Capabilities, Specific HealthTech Experience

We work with healthcare technology companies like you daily to build and launch their ideas to the market. Here are some of the ways that we help with new product development.

We bring decades of combined experience in healthcare software development, offering insights and strategies honed through numerous successful projects.​

  • Specialized in healthcare regulatory compliance
  • Skilled in integrating with leading EHR systems
  • Experts in data privacy and security
  • Knowledgeable in patient and provider needs

Our agile development methodologies ensure that your software evolves smoothly from concept to completion, keeping pace with market demands and technological advancements.

  • Iterative development cycles
  • Continuous customer feedback integration
  • Regular status updates and reviews
  • Flexibility to adapt to project changes

Our approach prioritizes the end-user, ensuring that the software we build is not only functional but also intuitive and accessible for healthcare professionals and patients alike.​

  • Human-centred design principles
  • Easy-to-navigate interfaces
  • Accessibility features compliant with ADA standards
  • User testing and validation

As a full product lifecycle development organization, we don’t stop at initial launch; we continuously work with companies to maintain and scale their products, to ensure your software remains reliable and up-to-date.

  • Ongoing software updates and patches
  • Constant performance monitoring and optimization
  • Product roadmap consulting for optimized growth

Get to Market More Quickly with KMS

Trusted Healthcare Software Development Teams

Deliver the highest-quality technology products faster with our experienced, low-turnover healthcare software development and testing teams:

Remarkable Results in Healthcare Software Development

KMS Healthcare developed a HITRUST-compliant, multi-tenant SaaS platform for Prxcision, integrating seamlessly with major EHR systems and featuring a powerful mathematical simulation engine for rapid, accurate support in infectious disease management.

KMS Healthcare crafted a comprehensive MVP platform for cancer care management with a CLU-focused conversion engine. This platform integrates EMR systems and wearable data, fostering enhanced patient interaction while ensuring secure, compliant data handling.

What Our Customers Say

The KMS team is an expert in their field. They understood our goals, the features we were trying to build, and their purpose and were able to give advice during the development process. We certainly couldn't have built it as fast and as cheap internally, and we have 99.98% uptime on everything.

VP, Product Development

KMS Healthcare epitomizes excellence in healthcare technology, surpassing all expectations. Their relentless commitment and innovative approach continually elevate our collaboration, enriching our venture with invaluable insights. KMS reaffirms our confidence in our partnership, solidifying their position as our trusted ally.

Co-founder and CEO

I knew this team was special, however on the 408th day I had the opportunity to take a step back and go through the app. I was blown away at what this team has accomplished. I never imagined we would develop MedEd Test to be this successful and we owe it all to you.


We're getting our products into production on time. Everybody does what it takes, burning the midnight oil if need be, to achieve common goals: bring new products to market on time and keep clients satisfied.


Get Your Healthcare Software Product to Market Faster

Get to market more quickly with KMS Healthcare as your software development partner.

Complete the form for a healthtech specialist to reach out to you today.