
21st century cures
The 21st Century Cures Act outlines interoperability and information blocking...
What is Interoperability in Healthcare and Why is it Important?
From robots performing complex surgeries to AI helping prevent and predict disease...
healthcare data sec
The information security capabilities of outside vendors have been painfully put...
What is the Cures Act and How will it Impact Healthcare Technology
What is the Cures Act? Just over 6 years ago the 21st Century Cures Act was...
10 companies we admire
This year has changed the way we interact with one another and how many of us do...
atl best and brightest
KMS Technology has been named one of Atlanta’s Best and Brightest Companies...
The healthcare industry is in the midst of facing a critical time. The implications...
shortage of engineers
A shortage of software engineers is not breaking news. For years, the IT Talent crisis...